When Should I Replace My Furnace?
This is a question we are often asked at this time of year. The average life span of a well maintained furnace is typically 15 to 20 years. Towards the end of its lifespan, it is more prone to unexpected break downs and repairs, no matter how well maintained. Like any piece of mechanical equipment with many moving parts, wear and tear from normal use take a toll. Think about a car, even a well maintained 20 year old car is going to have its issues, never mind being less efficient than its newer counter parts with the latest technology. When deciding if it is the right time to replace an old furnace, consider the following:
Your furnace is over 15 years old.
This is the typical lifespan of a modern furnace. Yes, some may last longer, approaching the 20 year mark, but on average 15 years is the norm.
Increase in energy bills.
All othering things being equal, have you seen an increase in energy usage over time? This is often goes unnoticed, since energy providers often change pricing and fees reqularly. Not to mention that their convoluted billing makes if difficult to decipher what exactly you are paying for! But if possible, it is always worth while to review the actual energy consumed over time to see if it is trending upwards.
The house is cold.
If you feel like your current furnace is struggling to keep up with your heating needs. Maybe it is running more frequently than it used to, or some rooms are hotter/colder than others. If no cracks or drafts can be found in windows or ducts, an old inefficient furnace may be the cause.
The furnace is making lots of noise or dust.
Like an old car on it’s last legs, a tell tales sign of an aging furnace is an increase in buzzing, screeching, clicking, or any other sounds beyond the normal “hum” of a furnace. Notice a lot more dust around the furnace? Check the air filters first; if you’ve been replacing them regularly but they always appear clean, it could be that the furnace is unable to trap airborne particles, spilling dust out into your home.
Frequent repairs.
Usually an annual service appointment is enough to keep your furnace running smoothly. If you find that you're constantly calling someone for unexpected repairs, it might be worth considering replacing the furnace all together.
These are just some general tips. If you have questions about your furnace, please reach out to us and we’ll be happy to advise you on the best course of action!
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